Faith UMC News

Coronavirus Update

Monday, March 16, 2020

Hello Brillion Faith UMC !!

Greetings in the name of the Lord our God who remains in charge and we must place our whole trust and confidence in Him! We start a new reality today as we learn how to be the church when we are apart. Our plan is to be back in worship for Palm Sunday, but I have to admit I do not know if that will happen or not. I am prayerful it will, but we will have to be patient and wait and watch. Keep your eyes on our Facebook page and I will keep you up to date.  Please join our Facebook page if you haven't done so already. 

Yesterday in worship I shared many things as we prepare to be apart. All church activities and meetings are cancelled until further notice. For the next two Sunday's I will be uploading a time of worship that you can access on our Facebook page and we will email the link as well. My thanks to Jennifer, Joie and Bryan for helping make this possible. I will be providing scripture for us to ponder and use as a time of devotion throughout our time apart. I encourage you find time each day to read your Bible to find comfort and peace in the Word of God.

I want to give you all an assignment. I would love to hear from you about a question you have from your reading or to share something new you learned from your reading of the Bible. Email me at and we can have our own Bible study!

The church office will be open Monday-Thursday from 8 am to 1 pm and I can be reached at home 756-2631, Cell 920-585-5669 or by email listed above. The church office number is 756-2717. However we want to keep personal interaction to a minimum.

Several other very important matters. Nursing homes are locked down and I had already made the decision to stop face to face visits two weeks ago. We do not want to forget about Ruth Behnke or Iva Haelfrisch. Here are their addresses. Please take time to send them a card or two over the next few weeks. Iva LOVES to get cards and looks for them everyday.

Iva Haelfrisch-Room #203
Felician Village
1635 S. 21st Street
Manitowac, WI 54220

Ruth Behnke
220 Achievement Drive
Brillion, WI 54110

Easter Flower orders need to be in by March 22nd.  If you would still like to order flowers, please email, call or send in the form (found in the March Newsletter on the website).  

Finally, the church needs your financial support through the time we are apart in worship. We will not make it if we have no funds coming in for two or more weeks. You can give electronically through the church website: www.faithumcbrillion. com, and go to the giving link. It is pretty easy to navigate, but if you have questions Jennifer and Joie can help you. You can also mail your offerings to: Faith UMC, 204 Horn St., Brillion, WI 54110.

If anyone has any questions or needs pastoral care or needs help (we have many people in the church who are willing to run errands, grocery shop or gives rides) please call the church during office hours or call me at the parsonage or on my cell phone. The numbers are listed above.

You ALL remain in my prayers. Keep me in yours too.
Please stay in touch and may God bless you with health and peace.

Pastor Dale


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