Faith UMC News

Coats for Kids

Thursday, September 24, 2020

We are pleased to announce that we will once again be a collection site for Coats for Kids!  

Please bring a new or clean and gently used coat for a child, youth, or adult.  Donations of scarves, mittens, gloves, and hats are also being accepted.  It would be helpful if the items could be pre-bagged in a plastic or garbage bag then placed in the donation box.

A gift of a coat does so much more than provide warmth.  It will help children attend school regularly, increase their confidence, socialize with their friends, and play outside with pride.  For a family struggling to provide basic needs such as housing, food, health care, and utilties, a coat reminds them that their community cares for their well-being.

All items will be kept local, they will be donated to the Salvation Army of Calumet County.  Look for the donation box in the narthex.

We will be collecting from September 27th-October 25th.

Thank you for you donation!

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